Sunday, 22 September 2019

Limerick City Community Radio: The History Show

Bernie and I went over to Limerick earlier in the summer and I was interviewed by John O'Carroll of Limerick City Community Radio.  This interview was aired on Sunday 1st September on The History Show .  Whilst the interview was not specifically about Kilkenny ancestors, it did cover, for example,  work undertaken in the Belgian State Archives in Brussels on the Irish immigrants to that country in the 19th century and followed up with records of Irish Governesses who worked in Belgium, in Austria and Russia.  The interview has now been made available as a podcast and can be found at

This is all part of out wider interest in Irish Genealogy and Family History.  There are records found in the Belgian Archives that do relate specifically to people who once lived in Kilkenny and on which we are doing further research.  Anyway, this is just a taster to hear about our other research into Irish people and their histories  .If you have the inclination and time feel free to have a listen; the interview lasts about 40 minutes.