Lower graveyard dedicated to the Power family, Baronets of Kilfane |
17. In loving memory of May Wilmot Beatrice Power eldest daughter of Sir Richard Power 3rd Bart Kilfane died 18th March 1966 aged 90 years.
18. Cross over carved boulders with regimental insignia. Pro Patria Semper. Sacred to the memory of Derrick Elliott Power Vth Baronet of Kilfane, Captain of the Rifle Brigade who died for his King and Country January 20th 1902 from fever contracted on active service in South Africa and was buried in that country aged 29. Until the day dawn and the shadows flee away...Solomon 2: 17
19. Cross over carved boulders with regimental insignia., helmet, rifle, sword, water container...
Sacred to the memory of John Elliott Power 1Vth Baronet of Kilfane, Imperial Infantry who died for Queen and Country in South Africa. Was mortally wounded at Lindley - died June 1st 1900 and was there buried aged 29. Pro Patria Semper. I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith Timothy 1V.7. What I do knowest not now but thou shall know hereafter John X111. 7
20. In loving memory of Richard Crampton Power, 3rd Baronet who died May 24th 1892 aged 49. Lord of Hosts and The Eternal God is thy refuge and underneath is everlasting arms...(Deuteronomy 33:27) and they shall be mine, saith the Lord, in that day when I make up my Jewels: and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Malachi 3 : 17
21. In loving memory of Florence Anna Maria wife of the late Richard Crampton Power 3rd Baronet of Kilfane. Born Oct 19th 1848. Died April 20th 1909. Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God. St John X1V. Verse 1. "Until the day break" Song of Solomon Verse 17.
23. In loving memory of Kathleen Mab Power beloved daughter of Rev. Geo. B Power and his wife Constance. Drowned while bathing in the Nore July 15th 1903 aged 22 years. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh Away. In Thy Presence is fullness and Joy.....The Lord Gave and the Lord hath taken away..Job. 1:21
The Waterford Standard for Saturday July 25th 1903 has a report of this drowning and funeral headed Kathleen Mab Power, daughter of Rev George Beresford Power and Mrs Constance Power, drowned July 15th 1903 aged 22 years. The younger of two daughters of Rev. George Beresford Power, the Kilfane Glebe. Miss Kathleen Power rode over on her bicycle to Coolmore to see Miss Connellan, only daughter of Major J.H.Connellan DL, JP. After some time Miss Connellan and Miss Power accompanied by 2 young ladies staying at Coolmore proceeded to the the river to bathe. Miss Power, who could swim little, swam to-far down the stream into deep water and became exhausted. Miss Connellan who could not swim did try to help but was soon prostrate with grief. One of the other ladies ran for help but it arrived too late to save Miss Power.
The funeral took place on Saturday morning from Kilfane Glebe and the great gathering of all ranks and classes was representative of this neighbouring counties where the desceased young lady was a universal favourite.
The nobility, gentry and people of the counties of Kilkenny, Waterford and Tipperary envinced their sympathy with the Rev Mr and Mrs Power and family in their deep distress by attending in such large numbers that it would be impossible to give anything like a complete list of those present.
The chief mourners were the Rev. G. B Power amd Mrs Power (father and mother), Miss Power (sister), Mr Ambrose Bushe Power (uncle), Mrs Bellingham (aunt), Mr and Mrs Devaynes Smith (aunt and uncle), Lady Power of Kilfane and Miss Power, Mr Villiers Stuart and Mr Raymond de La Poer (cousins).
Shortly after 11 o'clock the funeral started from the Glebe but so dense was the throng, that a considerable amount of time elapsed before the arrival at the burial ground, whence lies the remains of so many Power family who have ever held a foremost place amongst the leading gentry of Kilkenny. The remains were enclosed in a suite of coffins, the inner one being of cedar wood, richly lined and upholstered, the outer coffin being of the finest polished oak, with solid brass mountings. The shield bore the following inscription "Kathleen Mab Power Died July 15th 1903 aged 22 years".
The Grave was made as if a bed of flowers, fit resing place for one who in the very morning of her life was in truth "cut down like a flower".
24. In loving memory of George Beresford Power Canon of St Canice's Cathedral and for 51 years Curate and Rector of Kilfane Parish.. Died Trinity Sunday May 31st 1931 aged 82 years.
Father in thy gracious keeping, here we leave thy servant sleeping, underneath are everlasting arms. Deut, XXX111.27 And the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Eccles. X11.7. Also of Constance his wife. Died August 24th 1935.